Greenpeace Southeast Asia

I will return to share what I learnt here … We can make change… by Chuck Baclagon
July 27, 2010, 10:11 am
Filed under: Indonesia, Life at work, Volunteers | Tags: , ,

I am very grateful to be selected as one of the Greenpeace University (GPU) students 2010. There are only nine of us representing Indonesia and Malaysia. Of course that makes me proud. I’m proud to be here among those who came from various regions in Indonesia; Didit, Mayang, Novi, Rika, Sheila, Silka, Viktor, and Simpson from Malaysia. You are all my great friends.

From the beginning I promised myself that I would open my mind to accept all the materials that we would be given at the Greenpeace University. Many people didn’t agree with my choice to take part in GPU. They said things like “Greenpeace is eco-fascist”, “Greenpeace is not the organization that fights for the prosperity of communities”, “You should stay at home, you will learn more here…” But may people also supported me, congratulating me on being one of the chosen few to be a GPU student. I also asked to return to Aceh and help with their advocacy work after the graduation. Their motivation made me believe I will be able to become a better campaigner in future.

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Nestlé needs to give rainforests a break by Chuck Baclagon

Need a break? Before you have one with a Kit Kat watch this video – ‘Have a break?‘ We need your help to get the rainforests a break and to help you spread the word we’ve launched this video spoof. It exposes the true cost behind having a break the Kit Kat way: you could be taking a bite out of Indonesia’s precious rainforests, thanks to Nestlé, maker of Kit Kat, using palm oil that comes from forest destruction.

This morning, protests took place across Europe as around 100 Greenpeace activists, some dressed as orang-utans, went to Nestlé’s headquarters and factories in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. They called on Nestlé staff to urge the company to stop using palm oil that’s the result of forest destruction.

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Firefighting in action by Chuck Baclagon
An update from Richi about fighting the forest fires that raged through Indonesia recently

An update from Richi about fighting the forest fires that raged through Indonesia recently

From Making Waves

My name is Richi, and I work for Greenpeace in Indonesia doing action logistics and volunteer coordination. Recently, I coordinated the work that we did with community firefighting efforts in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia from 31 July – 6 August 2009.

Now, I’m back in the village of Kuala Cinaku, with my feet firmly planted in it’s yellow soil after over two-years. Not much has changed in this small village, but this time I’m fighting to breathe through the thick pungent smoke from the forest fires that annually blight the province of Riau on Sumatra’s east coast, opposite Singapore. I am here to check firefighting equipment and prepare teams for the peatland forest fires that are once again burning out of control here.

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Putin touches the bottom of world’s deepest lake, Indonesian fires still raging, the debate about organic food, and more by Chuck Baclagon
August 3, 2009, 4:04 pm
Filed under: Greenpeace, Protect ancient forests | Tags: , ,

From Making Waves

This is the first in a series of short news updates beyond Greenpeace-specific news. World environmental events in a blurb:

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A Hope from Beijing to Stop Indonesia Forest Destruction by Chuck Baclagon
May 25, 2009, 6:59 am
Filed under: Protect ancient forests | Tags: , , , ,

Bustar Maitar, Forest Campaigner for Indonesia

Bustar Maitar, Forest Campaigner for Indonesia

China, the country that just held the most spectacular Olympic Games in History, and country with large new economy power. With almost two billion people, China is the most important market for Indonesia. Couple years ago we heard that China was a large receiver of woods that came from illegal logging activities in Papua Forests.

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Finnish action:Update by Chuck Baclagon
May 13, 2009, 6:42 am
Filed under: Protect ancient forests | Tags: , , , ,

From Making Waves

All 32 activists at a palm oil diesel refinery in Porvoo, Finland have been arrested by police. 6 of the activists have already ben released and we are waiting for the release of the remaining activists.

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Skimping on Climate Is the Priciest Option by Chuck Baclagon
April 2, 2009, 9:02 am
Filed under: Protect ancient forests, Stop climate change | Tags: , , ,

From the Jakarta Globe

Amid the pressure of the global financial crisis, some ask how we can afford to tackle climate change. The better question is: Can we afford not to?

— Ban Ki-moon, United Nations secretary general

W e are living through an extraordinary moment in the global economy. It’s a time when the bursting bubble of unlimited economic growth and unregulated financial flows have plunged nations across the globe into recession.

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Greenpeace and Yahoo! launch guerrilla campaign to save orang-utans, tigers and forests by Chuck Baclagon
ldlife. Upon clicking through, you are led to a takeover page that looks exactly like Yahoo’s search site. However, the photos disappear as fast as Indonesia’s forests.

Upon clicking through, you are led to a takeover page that looks exactly like Yahoo’s search site. However, the photos disappear as fast as Indonesia’s forests.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Yet what if there were no more forests to photograph? No more amazing images of animals to be found. No tigers. No orangutans. No trees.

Greenpeace, Yahoo!, Bates 141, PhotoLibrary and Free Range Creative launched an interactive guerrilla campaign to gather global support for the vanishing forests and endangered animals in Indonesia. And it’s unlike anything you have ever seen. In an innovative use of Yahoo’s photo search, banners and keys words promise to show you amazing photos of Indonesia’s natural beauty: its incredible scenery and magnificent wildlife. Upon clicking through, you are led to a takeover page that looks exactly like Yahoo’s search site. However, the photos disappear as fast as Indonesia’s forests. You are then given a choice. Help Greenpeace stop deforestation. Or do nothing and resume the search. Hopefully most people choose the first option. Continue reading

Activists locked down Sinar Mas headquarters by Chuck Baclagon
March 20, 2009, 8:12 am
Filed under: Protect ancient forests, Stop climate change | Tags: , , ,

From Greenpeace: Making Waves

Forest destruction is now universally recognised to cause about 20 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions. This means that cutting down trees is more destructive to the planet than the entire global transport sector. Add that to species extinction, loss of biodiversity and the elimination of entire ways of life for forest communities and you have to wonder why companies like Sinar Mas are allowed to continue to expand their destruction of forests and peatlands in Indonesia.

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Coral and Coal by Chuck Baclagon
June 14, 2007, 4:29 am
Filed under: Stop climate change | Tags: , , ,

From Greenpeace Making Waves

Jasper, Greenpeace South East Asia climate and energy campaigner, took time out from a coal industry conference in Bali to go coral diving.

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