Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Let’s get to work…. by Chuck Baclagon
October 11, 2010, 8:48 am
Filed under: Greenpeace, Life at work, Philippines | Tags: , , , ,

We need our politicians to Get to Work.

The past week leading up to last week was a rush. It has been quite a while since we have seen ourselves as part of something bigger, but then again it’s easy to be anaesthetized if much time is spent working within the framework of your organization only. However, the Global Work Party comes as a wake-up call, not only to world leaders but for people like me, as I’ve often worked within the confines of the office.
I remember yesterday as I was speaking at the last of the various Global Work Party activities that we went to and I was wearing a TckTckTck t-shirt and I said: “I’m wearing this t-shirt to demonstrate the irony of the climate problem as TckTckTck is an unprecedented global alliance, One of over 10,000 events in nearly every country on earth organized by TckTckTck partners and supporters in 2009 representing hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life, who are united by a desire to see a strong global deal on climate change. It was made up of leading environment, development, and faith-based NGO’s, youth groups, trade unions and individuals, and we are calling for a fair, ambitious and binding climate change agreement.
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an indication of bigger things to come… by Chuck Baclagon
Bright Academy students from Cebu City, Philippines joined blogger Esperanza Garcia and people all over the world to make a 350 statement and take a stand for a safe climate future.

Bright Academy students from Cebu City, joined blogger Esperanza Garcia and people all over the world to make a 350 statement and take a stand for a safe climate future. reported on their website that last 24 October, people in 181 countries came together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history. At over 5200 events around the world, people gathered to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis.

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Climate Global Day of Action around the world by Chuck Baclagon
October 25, 2009, 9:25 am
Filed under: Stop climate change | Tags: , , ,

Yesterday was the climate change global day of action. People all over the world had been preparing and recruiting for the occasion for weeks.

According to the grassroots climate campaign website, there were over 5,200 events all told, in 181 countries. That makes it easily the most widespread environmental action day to date. The website contains a slideshow of some of the more photographable activities from around the world.

The whole bit about “three hundred and fifty parts per million” (350ppm) may have confused onlookers a bit, but these sort of events are about galvanising the movement itself more than recruiting many more people to it. We have a hard struggle ahead of us between now and Copenhagen, so the timing (if not the messaging) is spot-on.


Bosconians join October 24th International Day of Climate Action by Jenny Tuazon

Bosconians join International Day of Climate ActionInternational Day of Climate Action dawned in excellent fashion for the students and faculty members of Don Bosco Technical College in Mandaluyong who attended the climate talk delivered by our very own Francis Joseph Dela Cruz, Greenpeace Southeast Asia Public Outreach Coordinator. He had everyone inside the DBTC auditorium all ears as he share and discuss this fine presentation about climate change.

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October 24th International Day of Climate Action by Chuck Baclagon

While our leaders continue to talk about what’s “politically possible,” the world continues to warm and precious days go by. The latest science shows that runaway global warming is even closer than we feared. We can’t continue to allow our leaders to sit back and play political games when our future is at stake.
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Where will you be on October 24? by Chuck Baclagon

Click here to find out more

You can never get tired of watching elephants taking a shower…. by Chuck Baclagon

Greenpeace-ChangeCaravan-17Sep09-05-webElephants can suck up to 14 liters of water at a time.  Just imagine how much water a large creature such as the elephant needs.

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The gears are in motion by Chuck Baclagon
Mama Sarah Obama flicks on the lights after a Solar power system was installed at her home in Kogelo Village, Kenya.

Mama Sarah Obama flicks on the lights after a Solar power system was installed at her home in Kogelo Village, Kenya.

It seems that almost everyone from the big oil industry (in hopes of maintaining a fossil fuel dependent to the status quo), to the TckTckTck formation, to President Obama’s grandma are gearing up for the coming Copenhagen meetings.

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