Greenpeace Southeast Asia

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind by Chuck Baclagon
July 7, 2008, 6:05 am
Filed under: Stop climate change | Tags: , , , ,

Although this song reminds me of dreamy hippies, here in Southern Thailand it is reality.

The Rainbow Warrior has arrived in Thailand and was greeted by traditional Thai dancers. My heart beat faster when the ship came into port. I still think it is such an amazing sight and a symbol of hope. Slowly it made its way into the berth (actually slowly because we figured out when low tide came, that the berth is not deep enough and the Rainbow Warrior is sitting in the mud, rather than floating.)

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Peak Oil Changes Everything by Chuck Baclagon
July 5, 2008, 7:47 am
Filed under: Deep Green, Greenpeace, Stop climate change | Tags: , , ,

As the era of cheap liquid fuels draws to an end, everything about modern consumer society will change. Likewise, developing societies pursuing the benefits of globalization will struggle to grow economies in an era of scarce liquid fuels. The most localized, self-reliant communities will experience the least disruption.

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