Greenpeace Southeast Asia

A day after the ride… by Chuck Baclagon
The ride may be over but not the struggle for a nuclear-free Philippines

The ride may be over but not the struggle for a nuclear-free Philippines

“Was it worth it?”

A day after the activity at Congress’ gate, I find myself asking this question.

After two days of traveling, was it worth it?

I find it weird that somehow after stepping out of my routine for the weekend I somehow find myself asking whether what we did made a difference.

Well, I suppose it did.

Because for a week and for the weekend we were able to step out and actually do something, and in some ways it was doing something that most of us are already fond of doing. We pedaled with cyclists who for the who rode bicycles most part of their lives. We had people sign petitions. Some of them decided to forward our appeal to their friends, while some eagerly put the petition on their profile status in Facebook, while some wrote blogs or followed Tweets.

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How far is ‘safe’ when it comes to nukes? by Chuck Baclagon

I believe that one reason why the powers that be in the government and the energy sector are all keen on pushing for the revival the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is partly because of the fact that we all have come to believe that Bataan is too far off from Manila, for it to affect us in the event of a nuclear accident.

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Protest at the ASEAN Summit venue by Chuck Baclagon
Tara delivers our message to the Thail delegate: Nuclear power is bad for Southeast Asias future!

Tara delivers our message to the Thail delegate: "Nuclear power is bad for Southeast Asia's future!"

Today I joined my counterparts, Isa and Hikmat, the media officers of the Thailand and Indonesia offices of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, at a Greenpeace activity at the ASEAN Summit in Pattaya, Thailand. Neung, was the media officer, while Hikmat and I, as well as some others, were there to support the team. (Earlier we had attended a nuclear campaign skillshare led by Jan and Aslihan from Greenpeace International. They shared their experiences about the ongoing campaign in various countries in Europe.)

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Nuclear Energy Myth by Chuck Baclagon

This is in response to the front-page article titled “Nuke energy key to stem climate change” (3/2/09), which is about the nuclear industry’s claim that nuclear power has a role in climate change mitigation.

Nuclear power in fact undermines climate protection and can only make a negligible contribution to carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction.

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